
Flexibility within the constraints of procurement law

Case law offers more possibilities for creative and innovative tender bids. Read more >

E-commerce and competition: new regulations and critical authorities

Competition authorities are increasingly active outside the Netherlands when it comes to online sales. Read more >

Supervision in the healthcare sector still high on NZa’s and ACM’s agenda

Healthcare insurers on the radar, but no enforcement activities for the time being. Read more >

Cartel damage claims: court acknowledges assignment model for litigation funders

But in the absence of a cartel decision competition law litigation also pays off. Read more >

Telecom: focus on roaming and net neutrality

Content is “king” in the competition battle between telecom providers. Read more >

Merger control in the Dutch healthcare sector: how to come to a more purposeful regime

Many mergers or acquisitions in the Dutch healthcare sector have to be notified with the ACM. Which amendments envisage a regime of merger control for the Dutch healthcare secotr that does not sideline ACM, but rather having it to assess solely those concentrations that are relevant from a competition law perspective? Read more >

Merger control: gun jumping on the radar

Mergers are examined thoroughly, on both substantial and procedural aspects. Read more >

Autumn trends for 2023
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