
Pharma and medical devices controversial issues at ACM and NZa in 2019

Expensive medicines high on the agenda of European supervisory authorities: what is ACM doing? And what about medical devices and supervision of NZa? Read more >

Fintechs and PSD2: the role of competition enforcers in opening up the bank infrastructure

With the implementation of the Payment Services Directive 2, the banking infrastructure will be opened to third parties by means of economic regulation. Read more >

Opening of gambling markets in the Netherlands; first round, new chances?

The Dutch gambling markets are developing rapidly. In this blog we will update you on the current situation. Read more >

Franchise formula not a licence for cartel among competitors

Franchisors and franchisees must take care when competitors enter into agreements that may restrict competition. They otherwise run the risk of fines being imposed by the competition authorities. Read more >

ACM’s role in unfair trade practices in the agricultural value chain, sustainability and cartel prohibition

In both Europe and the Netherlands, the agricultural and food sector are high on the (political) agenda. The recent developments are addressed in this blog. Read more >

Beware of terminating contracts in the case of resale price maintenance and breach of the cartel prohibition

A supplier that terminates the contract with its distributor on the grounds of breach of the supplier’s price policy runs the risk of such termination being void and unlawful on the grounds of breach of the cartel prohibition. Read more >

European Commission opens fire on online resale price maintenance

A supplier that obligates its distributors to charge fixed or minimum prices runs the risk of breaching the cartel prohibition. Until recently, the European Commission gave little priority to such fines. That appears to be changing. Read more >

Autumn trends for 2023
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