
Opportunities and restrictions in procurement law

Amendments to the Public Procurement Act and case law will create new opportunities as well as drawbacks for tenderers and contracting authorities. Read more >

E-commerce: towards a digital single market!

E-commerce and its consequences for competition policy are major issues for many authorities. Read more >

A boost for healthcare supervision and the assessment of healthcare mergers

More intensive supervision of the healthcare sector in 2017. What will the investigation of ACM into competition between healthcare insurers yield? Read more >

Competition law and big data: big problems?

Competition authorities are trying to improve their understanding of how to deal with big data. Read more >

More clarity in cartel damages cases

The Netherlands retains its leading position as regards follow-on cartel damages claims, partly by providing clarity on important matters of dispute. Read more >

Telecom sector: ongoing deregulation or possibilities for re-regulation?

Once again, net neutrality and market analyses will determine the agenda. Much attention will be paid to the consequences of the Vodafone/Ziggo joint venture. Read more >

Merger control in 2017: authorities to have greater power?

The main focus of many merger assessments is on TMT, agrochemical and healthcare sectors. An adjustment of the merger thresholds is now being considered.  Read more >

Autumn trends for 2023
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