
Non-compete clauses and the cartel prohibition: beware of unnecessary restriction of competition

This blog provides an overview of recent Dutch case law regarding non-compete clauses. The case law shows that a proper substantiation of the relevant market and the market position of the contracting parties make all the difference. Read more >

Consumer watchdog both barks and bites

Enforcement of consumer rules remains top priority of ACM. Read more >

E-commerce, geoblocking and Digital Single Market

Consumer protection is becoming increasingly important for supervisors Read more >

Telecom & Media: content and consolidation determine the playing field

Mergers, multiband auction and net neutrality are high on the agenda. Read more >

Cartel damage claims: the calm before the storm

Developments abroad affect Dutch cartel damage proceedings. Read more >

Increased pressure on the NZa and ACM

Plenty of challenges: healthcare mergers, expensive medicines, duty of care and free choice of doctor. Read more >

Autumn trends for 2023
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