Maverick Advocaten assists manufacturer of plant-based products in entering Dutch market

Cyriel Ruers and Judith Jansen have assisted a Finnish manufacturer of plant-based food and beverages in obtaining registration with the NVWA.

Companies wishing to place food products such as food and beverages on the Dutch market must meet many different requirements. For example, companies engaged in the production of food of animal origin and sprouts must be approved the NVWA. Companies engaged in storing or handling food of animal origin may also need approval issued by the NVWA. Other businesses located in the Netherlands and operating at any stage of the production, processing and distribution of foodstuffs must registered with the NVWA. This also applies to establishments that do not come into physical contact with food and, for example, only serve as sales outlets.

These establishments must also have systems and procedures in place that make their products traceable at all stages of production, processing and distribution. For more information, see this blog. Also, in some cases, food businesses must have a food safety system based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. For more information on HACCP, see this blog.

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Contact details

Cyriel Ruers

T +31 20 238 20 15
M +31 6 10 257 754

Judith Jansen

T +31 20 238 20 13
M +31 61 425 13 28