Maverick Advocaten assists intermediary benefits in ending ACM investigation

Martijn van de Hel and Saskia Stolk have assisted an intermediary in obtaining a commitment decision from the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets ("ACM").

The intermediary is an intermediary that applies for healthcare, rent and childcare benefits from the Dienst Toeslagen on behalf of consumers. Consumers complained to the ACM because they were under the assumption that they applied for the surcharge at no cost directly from the Surcharge Service. This, while the consumers were using the intermediary's paid service.

The intermediary has agreed to compensate people who have used its services since 1 January 2022. The company has also changed its practices by, among other things, stating more clearly that this is a paid service from a commercial company.

The ACM declared the intermediary’s commitments binding in a decision on 7 November 2024, and is monitoring compliance.

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