Maverick Advocaten assists IATA as joined party in civil proceedings on the side of an airline over passenger rights

Cyriel Ruers and Paul Breithaupt assist the International Air Transport Association (“IATA”) – the global trade association for commercial aviation representing over 300 airlines – as a joined party on the side of an airline in civil proceedings before the Amsterdam Court of Appeals on passenger rights. The proceedings relate to a fundamental dispute over the refund obligation under Regulation 261/2004.

The reason for the proceedings is the bankruptcy of travel agency D-reizen. When a flight is cancelled, the airline refunds the ticket price – according to IATA’s globally used Biling and Settlement Plan (“BSP”) – to the person who booked the tickets. In many cases, this is a travel agency such as D-reizen. When D-reizen went bankrupt, it turned out that large numbers of tickets had long since been refunded by the airline to D-reizen, but the latter failed to pass on the ticket price to the affected passengers. In the current proceedings, a passenger is trying to force the airline to refund the ticket price again directly to the passenger. The airline and IATA take the view that such a double reimbursement obligation does not follow from Regulation 261/2004, which means that the airline is allowed to refund the ticket price to D-reizen, thereby discharging the airline of its payment obligations.

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Contact details

Cyriel Ruers

T +31 20 238 20 15
M +31 6 10 257 754

Paul Breithaupt

T +31 20 238 20 05
M +31 6 39 177 993