
European Commission calls for notification of killer acquisitions

Merger control within the European Union is changing drastically. Read more >

The online gambling market is opening up: place your bets!

Since 1 April 2021, it is possible to apply for a license for online gambling. The licensing procedure is tough, so thorough preparation is crucial. Read more >

Measures aimed at improved legal protection in public procurement

On 12 February 2021, the State Secretary presented a proposal to the House of Representatives for accessible and improved legal protection in public procurement. What is the status of the entry into force of these measures? Read more >

Termination of distribution agreement on the grounds of price dumping in breach of cartel prohibition

The court has confirmed that a distribution agreement in a selective distribution system cannot be terminated on the grounds of price dumping. Read more >

Legal protection of tenderers in public procurement procedures: still in the future?

The EU Public Procurement Remedies Directive requires “real, rapid and effective legal protection” in public procurement procedures. How do these rules work out in practice? Read more >

Five tips for procurement officers at UMCs

Hospitals today face many challenges. Many of these aspects can be boosted through tenders. Read more >

NZa and ACM’s Emergis SMP decision puts the cart before the horse

Appeal to the NZa and ACM to stop applying double standards in their supervision of healthcare providers and healthcare insurers and to effectively supervise (excessive) procurement power of healthcare insurers. Read more >

Autumn trends for 2023
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