
Scrutiny of mergers and acquisitions continues

This blog summarises the developments in the review of mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures by the European Commission and the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets. Read more >

Medicines: high competition fines; limitation of preference policy; security of supply

High fines in the medicines industry. Court limits preference policy. Brussels aims for easier access to generic medicines and biosimilars. Read more >

High fine for resale price maintenance: warning for suppliers

ACM has imposed a €39 million fine on Samsung for influencing retailers’ online prices. The fine underscores ACM’s focus on anti-competitive behaviour in distribution. Read more >

The European Guidance on Innovation Procurement: a practical exploration

The positive effects of innovation procurement are not going unnoticed. The European Commission is therefore offering public procurement officers tools to stimulate innovation procurement. Read more >

To what extent may healthcare providers inform consumers about healthcare insurers and the services they provide?

What mandatory rules must healthcare providers and healthcare insurers meet in communicating with consumers and when does the NZa intervene? Read more >

Babylonian confusion in public procurement law

How should interpretation disputes regarding tender documents and awarded contracts be dealt with? A closer look at practice and case law. Read more >

How can healthcare providers exercise their rights in long-term care procurement and when does the NZa intervene?

Healthcare providers that provide care under the Wet langdurige zorg (Long-Term Care Act) are extremely dependent on care administration offices. What rules must care administration offices observe in the procurement of long-term care and when does the NZa intervene? Read more >

Autumn trends for 2023
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