Maverick Advocaten writes about gun jumping and the standstill obligation in Tijdschrift Ondernemingsrecht­praktijk

Cyriel Ruers and Adriaan Craita wrote the article ‘Gun jumping and the standstill obligation: competition law concerns in M&A transactions’ (issue 2024/5) for Tijdschrift Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk.

In the event that M&A transactions are notifiable under competition rules, after signing, parties must wait to close until the competent competition authorities have granted approval. This so-called standstill obligation also prevents the buyer from already acquiring rights between signing and approval that would allow it to exercise control over the target company.

In the article, Cyriel and Adriaan present a concise overview of the legal framework regarding the standstill obligation and provide some practical points of attention so that parties to M&A transactions do not get out of the starting blocks too early.

See here for a link to the article.

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Contact details

Cyriel Ruers

T +31 20 238 20 15
M +31 6 10 257 754

Adriaan Craita

T +31 20 238 20 99
M +31 6 19 483 477