Martijn van de Hel , together with Jurjen Lemstra (Lemstra Van der Korst Advocaten), assists SRK Rechtsbijstand at the ACM with regard to a new form of legal service called BrandMR.
With BrandMR, SRK Rechtsbijstand aims to make legal aid available to a large group of people who are now avoiding legal procedures due to the unpredictability of the process and the costs. This group is also less and less often eligible for subsidised legal aid. By means of BrandMR, SRK and its lawyers want to provide legal services with a transparent and predetermined price per procedural step. Various stakeholders, including the Minister for Legal Protection, have already responded enthusiastically to SRK's initiative.
Maverick Advocaten advises SRK, among other things, on the compatibility of the rules of the Dutch Bar Association with competition law.
For more information about BrandMR see, Mr-online and Het Advocatenblad.