Maverick Advocaten has assisted Stichting Omring and Stichting Vrijwaard in the transfer of a select number of locations of Vrijwaard to AristoZorg. In 2020, the ACM had made the license for the merger between Omring and Vrijwaard conditional upon the transfer of the elderly care activities at three locations to another care provider. Prior to this, Maverick Advocaten also successfully provided assistance for this merger in the concentration notice and license application at NZa and ACM.
On June 30th 2020, the ACM cleared the acquisition by AristoZorg of the locations Ten Anker, Parkzicht and Lyceumhof, which were up until then owned by Vrijwaard. The required transfer of these locations satisfied the license conditions for Vrijwaard and Omring. With respect to AristoZorg, the transfer results in an expansion of the working area to the Kop van Noord-Holland. The clients of the transferred locations will receive the same care provided by the same employees as they are used to. As such, the freedom of choice between elderly care providers in Den Helder remains secured, as required by the ACM. You can find more information about the transfer here.
Maverick Advocaten regularly provides assistance in mergers between elderly care providers, with success. See for example here, here and here.