
ACM puts the ball in the legislator’s court with agro-nutri monitor 2022: will there be a single sustainability label?

The ACM published its third Agro-Nutri Monitor. In this blog we take stock after three monitors and discuss the recommendations of the ACM. Read more >

Autumn 2022 trends

All key developments in competition law, economic regulation and consumer law listed for your convenience. Read more >

Ban on abuse of dominant position: valuable tool in the crackdown on pharma and tech companies

Many investigations and billion-euro fines. An overview of the main developments in the field of abuse of a dominant position. Read more >

Cartel supervision: focus on sustainability, proactive detection and new regulations

New developments surrounding the cartel prohibition and active enforcement by competition authorities. Read more >

ACM intensifies consumer law enforcement: new legislation and more investigations

Consumer protection: ACM targets energy sector, sustainability, and digital economy. Read more >

DMA, DSA & Data Act: gamechangers for digital economy almost in force

Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act soon to enter into force and a Data Regulation is in the making: regulation of the digital economy. Read more >

ACM launches offensive against prohibited labour market agreements

Interaction between labour market and competition leading to focus on prohibited wage cartels and non-solicitation agreements of employers. Read more >
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Autumn trends for 2023
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